Written by MVWG Member Tracy Schuldt Helixon
I’ve always wanted to have my own lilac bush. Last year, in the midst of the pandemic, in an act of defiant hope, I mail-ordered one. I pictured it. It would arrive in the mail in full bloom! I would inhale its sweet scent, plant it in the front yard, and enjoy it all season long!
Turns out, I had a lot to learn.
Weeks later, I crouched next to its withered leaves and dry branches, holding a watering hose at its base. It hadn’t exactly grown as I had expected. “If you can just get it to hang on until winter, it will bloom much better in the spring,” my friend Sue had told me. I studied the few remaining green buds, moved the hose even closer to the roots, and hoped she was right.
Seven months later, on a cloudy spring day, I’m sitting on my front porch as I write this. The lilac bush is thriving. The warm breeze carries its sweet, fragrant scent. I savor it.
My assigned topic for this blog post is the publication of my debut novel. I can’t help but see the parallels to that lilac bush.
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