Hope is the Thing

Hope is the Thing_July 2020.png

During the past few months of quarantine, the Chippewa Valley Writers Guild did something special. They created a community wide writing experience. They asked for writers of the area to contribute a piece to a collection focused on HOPE.

The “Hope Is The Thing” Project is a state-wide, collaborative writing project committed to finding the hope in the heartache. Each day throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Chippewa Valley Writers Guild members (and their friends!) will post a new piece of writing inspired by glimpses of hope observed in this difficult time.
— http://www.cvwritersguild.org/hope-project

The project was kicked off with this great piece by CVWG director, B.J. Hollars. Many of our Mississippi Valley Writers Guild members felt compelled to participate in this unique writing exercise. Below you will find the contributions of several of our members. We are grateful to the CVWG for sharing their platform with us and our words.

We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we enjoyed writing them. We also hope that you are well, safe, and have ample reading material.

All our best,

Amanda Zieba, MVWG Vice President

Hope is a Thing I Deliver by Amanda Zieba

Hope Revealed by Teri Holford

Hope is the Thing That Knows by Jodi Vandenberg Daves

Hope is the Thing That Reminds Me of the Strength in My Thoughts by Lisa David Olson

Hope is This Moment by Tracy Schuldt Helixon

Hope is Everything by Danielle Severson

We are so proud of all our members, and especially of these featured writers for putting pen to paper in a chaotic time. If you are a writer looking for a community of supportive writers to hang out with, learn more about the Mississippi Valley Writers Guild here. We’d love for you to join us!