February 2025 Newsletter
Hello Writers!
Is it just me, or does it seem like January was the longest month ever?! It was a pretty tough month for many reasons. I hope you all are taking some time for yourselves and doing things that feed your soul and make you happy. That might be writing, but it also might be spending time with friends and family, enjoying the sunshine and warmer temperatures we’ve had recently, or just relaxing. Personally, I’ve been trying to spend more time reading and less time scrolling. Getting lost in a book is better for my mental health than getting lost in social media.
Let’s welcome February with open arms. We’ve got some awesome stuff to celebrate this month, so keep reading! And don’t forget to send your bio to mvwguild@gmail.com and we will feature you in an upcoming newsletter!
Check out the vision boards we made at the Winter Write-In! Maybe they will motivate you to make your own!
Send your motivational memes, tips, tricks, and resources to mvwguild@gmail.com
Victory! News from the Guild
Danielle Severson from the ReWrites group had a poem featured in the Franciscan Spirituality Center Reflections.
Also from ReWrites, David Nash’s book “In Wells’ Time” was named a finalist for the Minnesota Book Awards in the Novel & Short Story Category.
Have a victory you want to share? Let us know!
Writing Prompt
Inspired by the Flash Fiction Contest to Support Adult Literacy, write a 100 word story on one of these topics: envy, eyeglasses, nightmares, turtles.
Submit your story to the contest by March 1st. Find more information at https://www.ethosliteracy.org/6thcontest
Guild Events
Save the Date: February 25
Member Social! Keep an eye on Facebook and your email for more information.
Help us plan more events by completing the member survey!
Other Events
What: The 2025 Minnesota Writing Workshop
When: April 5, 2025
Where: St. Paul, MN
For more information and to register, go to https://minnesotawritingworkshop.com/
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