July 2024 Newsletter
Hello Writers!
Welcome back to the newsletter!
This month, we are highlighting our board president, Amanda Zieba. She likes to call herself a word nerd and is a part of the Express-Oh MVWG critique group. She has written over a dozen feel good fiction books for readers of all ages and also creates educational resources for middle school ELA/Reading teachers. When she’s not writing or creating content, you can likely find her watching her sons compete in some sort of sporting event, usually with a good book in hand! You can learn more about her and her work here: www.amandazieba.com.
We’ve got some fun events coming up this month, so read on to find out more!
Emily Raboteau on lessons learned from a work coach, from Jami Attenberg’s #1000wordsofsummer
“You have more time than you think. You just waste way too much of it on social media and returning emails. Therefore, during your scheduled writing time, use an app to block yourself from accessing those time-sucks.
Schedule your regular writing time. Put it in your calendar. It is sacrosanct. It should be regular. It’s best if you work in the morning. Really early, if need be, before everyone else wakes up and needs things of you. Your writing sessions need not be long. They may only be a half hour each weekday, for example. Studies have shown that you will be more productive if you write for a half hour each morning than if you do something like pull an all nighter once every two weeks after drinking red wine on your fire escape.
Find an accountability partner. This should be someone who needs an accountability partner as much as you do. Meet with them regularly to share work and feedback, online if you must, but in-person is better.
Set weekly goals. Baby steps. Report back to your accountability partner whether you have met those goals.
Say no. Say no to ten things a week. Saying no can look like telling your partner that you are not cooking dinner or telling your boss that you can’t take on that other project that isn’t your writing.
Writing is a like a muscle. If you commit to exercising it regularly, it will get stronger.
When you feel negatively about the act of writing or lacking in confidence, tell yourself, ‘I get to do this,’ rather than, ‘I have to do this.’ Make ‘I get to do this,’ your mantra.
Make sure your writing chair is not terrible for your back. Stretch. Hydrate. Set your phone timer at regular intervals, such as 30 minutes, to remind yourself to get up from your chair to stretch and drink water.
These practices helped me (and still do). I hope they might help some of you, too.”
Send your motivational memes, tips, tricks, and resources to mvwguild@gmail.com
Victory! News from the Guild
No news submitted this month! Let us know what you’re celebrating, big or small!
Have a victory you want to share? Let us know!
Writing Prompt
This month’s prompt is from Writer’s Digest
Write about someone trying to solve a mystery at a community cookout.
Guild Events
BJ Hollars Reading & Author Chat
When: Saturday, July 20, 11 a.m.
Where: Pearl Street Books
What: Celebrating the release of “Year of Plenty: A Family’s Season of Grief,” join author BJ Hollars for a reading and conversation with Jess Witkins as they dive into life, the moments that overwhelm us, and find the courage to push on. Copies of the book will be available for purchase and signing following the talk.
The Truth Hurts: On Clawing, Crying, and Crafting Your Way to Your Memoir
When: Saturday, July 20, 2 p.m.
Where: La Crescent Community Building
What: Join nonfiction writer B.J. Hollars for a conversation on writing within—and through—the complexities of our lives. How can we write toward our deeper truths, even when it hurts to do so? This interactive workshop will ask participants to engage with a variety of curated writing prompts geared toward crafting the opening pages of a memoir or short essay.
MVWG Member Social
When: Monday, July 29, 5-8 p.m.
Where: 1013 Quincy Street, Onalaska
Pizza provided! Bring your own beverage and a side/dessert to share.
Dinner will start around 5:45 p.m.
Help us plan more events by completing the member survey!