Image credit: Todd Olson/cine1 productions
Our Mission
To encourage, experience and share the written word.
Dear Writers,
Hello! And welcome! We’re so glad you’re here.
The Mississippi Valley Writers Guild began with the goal of being a safe, supportive space for writers to gather and share their work. We’re proud to keep that commitment with our critique groups, as well as offer members the chance to participate in various readings, workshops, and book fairs throughout the year.
Whether you enjoy writing just for yourself or you’re looking to make a career of it, our groups provide writing-focused critique, which means we’re here for you and your writing wishes. Our members share everything from journal entries and poems to short stories and essays as well as longer works like memoirs and novels.
We know the writing life can be solitary, so we encourage you not just to edit your work, though that is important, but also to explore and play with your writing. To help with that, all our groups have a facilitator who brings writing prompts and lessons to each meeting based on what the group wants to learn or practice.
We like to gather too. We support one another by hosting several events throughout the year for both published and unpublished authors. And on months with a fifth tuesday in them, we host a member social for all our groups to enjoy, because writers also like snacks and margaritas!
If we seem like a fun bunch to you, then we encourage you to check us out. Your first visit is always free so you can get a sense if we’re right for you.
Connect with us; we’d love to meet you. And in the meantime, happy writing!
Amanda Zieba
MVWG President